

What ways are electrons quantized?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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9y ago

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They have fixed energy values.

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Dimitri Welch

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Q: What ways are electrons quantized?
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In what way electrons quantized?

They have fixed energy values.

Bohr suggested that the energy of electrons in atoms is?

Quantized. (Number 4 if you are using what I think you are using.)

Which property shows that electrons are quantized?

Each electron has its own "address."

What property shows that electrons are quantized?

each electron has its own "address"

Is electricity quantized?

Yes, electricity exists in discrete amounts that equal some whole number of electrons.

What does is mean to say a charge is quantized?

It means the charge is an integer multiple of some basic charge. If the charge consists of a certain number electrons, you can have 1 electron, 2 electrons, 3 electrons, etc., but you can't have 1.5 electrons, or pi electrons.

What absorbs photons?

Matter absorbs photons. Electrons in quantized harmonized orbits of the same energy level as the photon absorp it.

What are quantized energy levels?

The concept of quantized energy levels, first proposed by Neils Bohr, states that electrons can only exist in certain possible energy levels, which he pictured as orbits around a nucleus since the energy of an electron is proportional to its distance from the nucleus.

Is every kind of energy quantized?

Planck formulated an equation for energy quanta, which is quantized into E=hf (where E is energy, h is Planck's constant: 6.626x10-27 , and f is frequency) to obtain his own exact radiation formula. This also happened to disprove the theory of the Ultraviolet Catastrophe, which is where classical physics failed.

How can represent digital and analog information?

Digital quantized information and analog is just information. Like the letter "i" on your screen is digital and made up of a few pixels= quantized. The letter "i" drawn on a piece of paper is not quantized = analog.

Is a digital clock continuous or quantized?

It is quantised.

What are free electrons of conductor?

First we have to define the word an electron, An electron is negatively charged particle. A metal is a substance consists of number of both electrons and protons. Electrons emitted from the metal surface through different ways such ways as Thermionic, Photoelectric, etc. Free electrons of conductor are electrons emitted from conductor when it disturbed through ways as mentioned above