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Q: What ways can a probation officer prove you were drinking?
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Your brother was on probation and his probation officer found photos of him on the internet with a beer in his hand and said that he was breaking parol is this invasion of privacy?

No. This isn't invasion of privacy because the internet is public. This would be just like the probation officer seeing your brother walk down the street with a beer in his hand. However, your brother could challenge the parole violation on the basis that the probation officer can't prove when the photos were taken. An example... Say I'm on parole and one of the conditions of that parole is that I can't leave the state. The parole lasts from January of 2008 to December of 2008. Well, I could post photos of a trip I took to Florida 5 years ago on the internet tomorrow, 8/6/08. It doesn't mean that I was in Florida and violated my probation by leaving the state during my probation. It just means I posted pics of myself out of state during my probation. Well, this is the same thing. How can your brother's probation officer tell if the photos of him with the beer in his hand were taken while your brother is on parole? Just because the pics were posted on the internet while he's on parole doesn't mean he violated parole. The only way this argument wouldn't work is if the probation officer has some way to prove when the photos were taken. But there are only two ways to do this: 1. The probation officer knows who took the pictures and the person who took the pictures will testify that the photo was taken while your brother was on parole, or 2. There's something in the photo or on the web page where the photo is that identifies the date the photo was taken, like a date stamp from a digital camera, a blog entry that says something like, "My party on such and such a date," or there's something in the photo itself to show when the pic was taken, like a 2008 graduation party banner or something like that. So, unless the PO has some way to prove when the photo was taken, your brother can argue that the PO has no way to prove that the photo in question was taken while your brother was on parole.

How To become a probation officer?

There are many ways that I can think of to do this, but the best way is to have some sort of Law related degree. My older sister received a degree in Juvenile Justice from Eastern Kentucky Univ. After college, she took a break and then became a drug court consultant for a small county and then got offered a probation officer job in a bigger City.

If you are on probation in state of California and you cross into another state what can happen?

To start, this must be approved by your probation officer. If your probation officer will not approve it you can not leave. If your probation officer will approve it, they will need to request that the probation department of another state accept you for probation supervision in their state. Your current probation officer will have to request this through a process called "Interstate Compact." If and when another state accepts you, you will be assigned a new probation officer in your new state. There are potential complications if you are approved as well. The judge from the state that convicted you has little power to enforce the terms of your probation agreement. That means the probation department in the state you move to can impose any conditions that they consider to be appropriate. For example, if a Judge in the state that convicted you did not require a treatment program for your offense the new states probation department may or they may make your live miserable in other ways by imposing restrictions that make it difficult do do almost anything at all. When they impose these restrictions there is little you can do about it because they will not take orders from your home state judge since it is out of their jurisdiction. If you are considering moving out of state while on probation and without approval, I would highly advise against that. This would be a violation of your probation and would likely get you arrested.

Do you always go to jail on violation of probation?

Typically, Yes. It is however entirely up to your Probation Officer. It depends on the severity of the Violation. For example; depending on what County your probation is in. Some Counties allow you to fail a drug screen up to 3 times; other Counties will violate and arrest you the first time you fail. If you are charged with another crime while on probation you will likely be arrested by the Police and your probation will be automatically violated. Other ways to Violate Probation: 1. My moving residences and not notifying your Probation Officer ahead of time. 2. Failure to pay Probation Fee's/Court Cost/Restitution 3. Being insubordinate, using profanity, making threats, or obstructing your Probation Officer otherwise known as Disorderly Conduct or Obstructing a Public Official. 4. Domestic Violence (same as committing a new crime/offense) 5. Failing or Refusing a Urine Analysis. 6. Driving while License Suspended or Revoked 7. Making contact with the Victim or Suspect(s) involved with committing offense. Hope this helps, good luck! Hilary 5.

What are the ways to stop drinking?

Will power

What sort of work is done in a probation office?

A probation office is where qualified probation officers deal with criminals in a number of ways. Things such as presentence investigations and compiling, analyzing and reporting to the courts are just a few of the duties provided by a probation office. One can find more detailed information on the United States Probation Office website.

What are ways to stop drinking?

Eat my shorts

How do you get through probation?

When a person is placed on probation there are requirements placed on them by the court One of these will to report to a probation officer or supervisor. The officer will also be able to place requirements and restrictions on the person. To get through or complete probation successfully the person must obey and accomplish all these requirements and stay out of trouble with the authorities. Really not to hard if you are wanting to succeed, tough if you go back to your old ways.

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What are ways to help teens with drinking issues?

Just don't make a huge deal out of it. When you make a huge deal out of something, that makes people want to partake in it more. Let your teen know about all the dangers that are associated with drinking underage, and then trust them to make the right decisions. Until they prove otherwise, allow them to have some freedom.

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by drinking it and planting crops

Can a probation officer drug test spouse not on probation?

Probation officers have different powers in each state. Here in Louisiana, felony probation officers are fully commissioned POST certified, gun toting police officers with full powers of any police officer. You can get into probable cause issues though. Not only is every state different, every judicial court system within the state seems to lean different ways in it's interpretation of the laws.Okay, to simplify this: yes, in some states POs are law enforcement officers. In all states they are representatives of the state and court officers. As such, any activites in which they engage with others who are not under their supervision falls under the Constitution. That is, without very specific probable cause or a warrant, they have no search or siesure authority over anyone.If confronted, say nothing, simply do not speak, and call an attorney.