

What ways does hip- hop influence teens?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Hey. So hip-hop can influence teens in good ways, or bad ways. Just like any music can. So just keep an eye on your teens!

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Q: What ways does hip- hop influence teens?
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because most teens love dancing, even if they dont know. hip hop just has that beat and bang too it!

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Hip Hop doesn't impact teens some people think that hip hop is responsible for the future of those teens but that's wrong hip hop Lyrics is the reality of life people should't blame hip hop cus what about the movies, the internet, video games, etc. some hip hop songs are strong in lyrics and some are not is depending the artist but teens change because they wana change music don't change nobody life does

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They are very close. Hip Hop had a beat that was changed a little differently but still similar. Therefore rock was created.

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It depends on the child.

Is hip hop bad for teens?

In a way hip hop is good because it gives those with a love for music a chance to do something with themselves. Kind of like a recreational activity. but as far as kids who see these rappers and want to imitate them they need to know that everything that glitters isn't gold. They may have a lot of money but everything they do isn't the right thing to do. So basically it is borderline good & bad.

How does hip hop effect teens?

It has the same effect (but maybe a little more of an impact than on adults)

Who were the people that influence hip hop dance?

Some infleunces inlude:Led Zepplin,The Who,The Beatles,Metallica,and Black Sabbath are just a few infleunces to rock and metal