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a good nights sleep for one plenty of exercise a very healthy diet and lots of fun activities to keep your mind fresh and ready for your daily tasks.

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Q: What ways to recognize good mental health?
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In what way you can help develop good mental health?

You can help to develop good mental health in many ways. The most important ways are to be active, eat right, and meditate.

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How is mental emotional different from mental illness?

Mental and emotional health differs from mental illness in the same way that physical health differs from physical illness. You can be careful about your physical health, while you are healthy, by eating a good diet and getting regular exercise. You can take care of your mental and emotional health while healthy by eating a good diet, exercising, maintaining healthy relationships with other people, avoiding addictive substances and learning to express your emotions in positive ways.

The Link Between Mental Health And Heart Health.?

Research has definitively proven that there is a solid link between heart health and your spiritual and mental wellbeing. Individuals who deal with stress, anxiety, and depression are at great risk for heart disease and related illnesses. One of the best ways to improve heart health is to look at the entire spectrum of mental wellness. Spirituality can be expressed in many ways, including nature walks, volunteering, and giving back to the community. Overeating and poor eating habits are often a symptom of depression or spiritual ennui, a kind of self-medication. For this reason, spiritual and mental wellness are vital for good heart health.

How intelligence affect mental health?

it affect us in many ways it keeps us healthy

Why does laughter help mental help?

It takes our mind away from stress and or pressure. " destressing" by laughing is one of the best and easiest ways which helps mental health:)

In what way can you develop good mental health?

There are many ways, some of the basics tend to be eating well, sleeping properly, socialising, exercise, sticking to a routine, and perhaps sticking to medications. However it can vary greatly depending on your lifestyle or mental health problem; for example eating well is irrelevant if you are bulemic. The general idea is balance- not drinking too much, not sleeping too much and so on. When it comes to relationships, I recommend always trying to be assertive to aid good mental health.

What are some ways to maintain mental health?

Factors that can support a person's mental health include a healthy and nutritious diet, daily exercise, and social interactions. Having a good support network can also support a person's mental health.

How is mental-emotional health different from mental illness?

There is no fundamental difference between so-called mental illnesses or disorders and physical illnesses or disorders; both are simply subsets of illness .In common usage none. However as I see it:a mental disorder is what you are diagnosed with.a mental illness is when that disorder actually interferes with your life.Nothing it's like STD(sexually transmitted disease) and STI(Sexually transmitted illness) It's just two different ways of saying the same thing.The terms are interchangeable in a sense. However, mental disorder is considered a more politically correct term, and the preferred term of many mental health professionals as well as their clients.

What would happen if a personal with normal mental health took risperdal?

A person with normal mental health would not want to take an anti-psychotic drug. It would probably make them very depressed, and mess them up in other ways as well.

Maintaining Your Mental Health?

Taking care of your mental health is an important part of overall health and wellness. Many people overlook their mental health and suffer as a result. Take time to de-stress, meditate and retain positive thoughts to stave off depression, anxiety and stress. There are many ways to keep your mind healthy, from engaging in physical exercise to volunteering, enjoying a hobby and using relaxation techniques. Maintaining your mental health is essential to enjoying an overall quality of life and remaining physically healthy.