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Q: What weapon were designed specifically to overcome trench warefare?
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Why was trench warefare called trench warefare?

Well this one seems kind of obvious, but Trench Warfare is called Trench Warfare because the men fought in Trenches during WW1 in which trench warfare was utilized.

Which sides were in the Trench Warfare?

Both sides were involved in trench warefare.

What type of warfare characterizes World War 1?

Trench Warefare

Why was trench warefare used in world war 1?

the reason for trench warfare was to take cover from enemy fire and motar shell fargments.

After early offensives European armies became bogged down into what type of warefare?

Trench Warfare.

What were the three single battles fought during the Antietam?

If I recall the three were in a Trench or Trench Warefare, In a corn field, and on a bridge but that was a diversion cause they were going around.

What type of warefare brought world war 1 to a stalemate?

The invention of machine guns, gas warfare and trench warfare

What were the 5 new types of technology in war world 1?

there was chemical warefare,machine guns,Artillery,Trench warfare,and Tanks

Who was the enemy during the trench warfare?

The Germans faced France and French colonial forces, Britain and Britich colonial forces, and, eventually, the Americans on their Western Front in trench warfare. Austrian and Germans faced the Russians for a time on the Eaastern Front, some of that in trench warefare.

Who designed the Burberry check?

The famous Burberry check was designed in the 1920's by Burberry's founder, Thomas Burberry. The check was first designed as a lining for the Burberry trench coat.

How did Trench Coats get their name?

Trench Coats got their names because they were originially designed for use in the Military during the World Wars and were worn in the trenches. As such when the article of clothing was transferred to civilian use it kept the name Trench Coat.

How was trench designed?

Because the soldiers would dig tunnels and if the tunnels caved in that would create a bunker.