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They mostly used clubs and spears.

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Q: What weapons did Maori people use at war?
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the weapons used during the civil war were not only for killing people but to get the union back together and win the war.

What weapons did maori use in war?

Mainly a variety of short blade-shaped one-handed clubs and long blade-shaped two-handed clubs. After European contact muskets were readily adopted and in the New Zealand Wars Maori used muskets, shotguns and tomahawks.

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world war 2 was the first war to use weapons because world war1 wasn't a really hard war to battle as world war 2 was a really hard one to battle against over people and countries

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The native people of New Zealand are known as the Māori. They are the indigenous Polynesian people who arrived in New Zealand around the 13th century. The Māori culture and language are an important part of New Zealand's identity.

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The basic things people use in wars and it depends on what war you are talking about if it were to be very long time ago then you know knives and other dangourse weapons.

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No nuclear weapons were used in the Korean War.....

Why are maori violent?

It is incorrect and unfair to stereotype all Maori as violent. Violence is a complex issue influenced by a range of factors such as historical context, socio-economic conditions, and individual circumstances. It is important to avoid generalizations and instead focus on addressing root causes and promoting understanding and unity.