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Guns, bombs? all sorts

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Q: What weapons did the Germans use?
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What type of weapons did the Germans use in world war2?

guns, tanks

What kind of weapons did the islanders have to fight the Germans?

They had no weapons.

What weapons did the Germans use on D Day?

The German armies had all their usual hand weapons, plus tanks and many different coastal guns.

WHY did BRITAIN use weapons in World War 2?

Because harsh language wouldn't work on the germans.

In the book The Cay why didnt Curacao fight the Germans back?

They couldn't fight the Germans back because they didn't have enough weapons to fight back to the Germans and when a shipped tried to get weapons or leave the Germans would torpedo it.

Is it true that the Germans experimented with Italian and other axis antiaircraft weapons and crews in the Battle of Britain and the blitz?

No. In the Battle of Britain and the blitz, the Germans were engaged in offensive operations and did not use antiaircraft weapons, although they certainly had them emplaced to defend their facilities. Antiaircraft weapons were an important part of that the British used to defend against the German attacks.

What melee weapons did Germans use in world war 2?

a scabad or something like that was the kind of knifes the marines used in wwll

Which world war was biggest?

World War 2 of course, it was the first to use nuclear weapons and the only War which France was conquered by the Germans completely.

Did the Germans use anti tank weapons and what?

the Germans used a panzerfaust and panzersherk which were carried by foot soldiers and artillery pieces such as the pak (short for Panzerabwehrkanone) 38,48 and 50 one of the most famous anti tank weapons they used was known as an 88. the 88 cannon was also used as an anti air gun as well

What were in the boxes the civilians carried during World War 2?

British civilians carried boxes that contained gas masks that were designed to protect them from possible chemical attacks by the Germans. The Germans had the capability to use chemical weapons, but did not against the British.

How many weapons were used in World War 1 World War 1?

In world war one it is thought that over 100 different weapons were used between the Germans and the English. It is commonly belived that the Germans had a wider range of weapons than the English, whilst we mainly used one weapon (bolt-action rifle) and rarley machine guns, the Germans weapons would consist of plenty. to find out more e-mail me at

What tools do Germans use?

Germans use tools for making stuff