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they used spears and stuff.

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Q: What was one type of technology the Ghana empire used?
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How could Mali build on Ghana's empire?

They used play-doh.

What was gold used for within the empire of Ghana?

to make throwns and crowns

How did Mali build on Ghana empire?

Mali formed in the Southern area in what was Ghana's empire and used much of the infrastructure of the former (especially gold-mining) to make an economy more effective.

Why do you call it Ghana?

The nation of Ghana in Africa was named for the ancient Ghana Empire, or Kingdom. In the language used in that ancient kingdom, 'ghana' meant, "Warrior King", a name, no doubt, meant to frighten their enemies.

What technology did ancient Ghana have?

During the time of the lion king Sundiata (1190-1255), he introduced cotton weaving

What type of transportation do Ghana used?

well to be honest i dont know haha

What type of technology did cherokee's use?

the type of technology they used is axes bows spears and other stuff.

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some examples of technology used in agriculture is plows,tractors,cattle...etc.

How were the buildings in the ghana kingdom used?

300 until c. 1100), properly known as Wagadou (Ghana being the title of its ruler), was a West African empire located in the area of present-day southeastern Mauritania and western Mali. ... As the empire declined it finally became a vassal of the rising Mali Empire at some point in the 13th century.

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