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In Eden Eternal, knights primarily use swords and shields as their main weapons. They also have the ability to wear heavy armor to increase their defense and survivability in combat. Additionally, knights can use special skills and abilities to enhance their combat effectiveness on the battlefield.

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Q: What weapons do knights use on Eden Eternal?
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What kind of weapons do knights use?

the knights main weapon was the sword. but knights also use daggers, battle axes, lances, and mace's .A mace was a club with a heavy spiked balls.

What are knights weapons?

Knights used a variety of weapons including swords, lances, maces, axes, and crossbows. They were skilled in the use of these weapons in battle and in tournaments. Armor was also an essential part of a knight's equipment, providing protection in combat.

What did knights use as their weapons?

Swords, shields, bows and arrows, lances, spears and knives.

What were three characteristics that the knights and samurai shared?

Three characteristics shared by knights and samurai were loyalty to their lords, adherence to a code of ethics (chivalry for knights, bushido for samurai), and the use of a variety of weapons and fighting techniques in battle.

How do knights fight dragons?

Knights typically fight dragons using their sword, shield, and armor. They may also use a lance, bow and arrow, or other weapons. It is important for knights to use strategy and bravery when facing a dragon, as they are powerful and dangerous creatures.

Where do you find the monsters in poptropica and how do you beat them?

There are robot creatures on Astro Knights island, and you use the Mystical Weapons of Arturus to defeat them on the three planets.

What did a knight use a weapon?

The primary {or staple} weapons of choice were: Sword, Mace, Polearm {Lance, Halber, Battle Ax etc}

What kinds of weapons did European knights use?

European knights used a variety of weapons, including swords, lances, maces, axes, and bows. They also wore armor such as chainmail or plate armor to protect themselves in battle. Additionally, knights often used shields to defend against incoming attacks.

Can you can become a pirate on Maplestory knights of cygnus?

technicly yes one of the knight of cygnus is a pirate. the class is called Thunder Breaker. they use the same weapons and armors as a pirate