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Q: What week of pregnancy is a hgc level 171?
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What is the HGC level supposed to be to indicate a pregnancy?

Anything after 5 is considered Pregnant.Anything under 5 is considered not pregnant.

What does hcg levels in early pregnancy mean?

In early pregnancy, hCG levels are measured to tell if a woman is pregnant. The hGC levels get higher as the pregnancy progresses. A woman who uses a pregnancy test is having these level measured in her urine in order to tell if she is pregnant.

What is the hgc hormone?

It is produced during pregnancy.It helps maintaing pregnancy.

Abbreviation for a hormone produced in early pregnancy?

HGC HCG I think

What causes Beta HCG Levels to rise?

Being pregnant causes HGC to be in your body. If you want more detail than that; it's a hormone that your body produces when you are pregnant. That is what home pregnancy tests detect. If you have HGC in your urine, you are pregnant. P.S. its actually HCG... if you'd like info on HGC, please go to this wikipedia link:

How far along in a pregnancy can you tell if its twins?

I had a scan at 8 weeks and was told I was having twins and saw there were two foetuses (prior to this I had dreamt it was twins). Also when I took the pregnancy test, just as my period was due, the line on the test was really really dark. Once I discovered I was having twins I realised the line had been really dark because of my elevated levels of HGC. A faint line would have been expected so early in the pregnancy, when HGC is rising, but HGC rises faster in twin pregnancies than singleton ones, so the early indication of a high level of HGC was an early sign it was twins.

What is the HGC level supposed to be when you are 5 weeks pregnant?

see the link for the definitive answer

Do some women produce the hgc hormone slower in pregnancy than others that makes the pregnancy test be negative?


What if you dont get your period but your doctor said you had a miscarriage?

First off I would take a pregnancy test if its been over a month. Your doctors should have followed your hormone lvls back down to non pregnancy level. I would go to the doctor and have them do another HGC hormone test.

How long after miscarriage will you get a positive on a home pregnancy tests?

It depends on how far along you were when you miscarried. Under six weeks along, a hGC levels will return to normal quickly. After that time frame it can take a week or two for your hormones to return to normal. It depends on how far along you were when you miscarried. Under six weeks along, a hGC levels will return to normal quickly. After that time frame it can take a week or two for your hormones to return to normal. It depends on how far along you were when you miscarried. Under six weeks along, a hGC levels will return to normal quickly. After that time frame it can take a week or two for your hormones to return to normal. It depends on how far along you were when you miscarried. Under six weeks along, a hGC levels will return to normal quickly. After that time frame it can take a week or two for your hormones to return to normal.

Is it OK if you stick the pregnancy test in the toilet?

um... no... you will not get an accurate reading because the concentration of HGC will be WAY too sparce to detect...

Is a hcg level of 84 884 normal for seven weeks pregnant?

Every person HGC level is good... for an estimate of what you should be at every week please refer to this website which has a lot of good information in it.