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Neither. They both weigh the same.

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Q: What weighs more one kilogram of feathers or one kilogram of nails?
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Brick or chesse of feathers which one weighs more?

One kilogram of brick weighs as much as one kilogram of feathers. (I do not know what a "chesse of feathers" is...)

Which weighs more a kilogram of feathers or a kilogram of coffee?

They both weigh 1 kilogram.

What weighs more a kilogram of feathers or kilogram of stones?

both are same in weight

Why does a kilogram of mercury weigh more than a kilogram of water?

If they both weigh a kilogram then they both weigh the same... a kilogram. It's like asking if a pound of feathers weighs more then a pound of rocks... they both weigh a pound.

Which weighs more a kilogram of stones or a kilogram of feathers or are they the same weight?

Think about what you just asked and feel ashamed. A kilogram is a measurement of weight. If you have two items of both exactly 1 kilogram, they weight the same!

What weighs more a pound of gold or a kilogram of silver?

A kilogram of silver weighs more.

What weighs more a kilogram of pennies or a kilogram of iron nails?

All kilograms have the same weight, as long as they're all on the same planet. (We don't know what that weight is until we know what planet they're on.)

Why does a kilogram of bricks take up a much smaller space than kilogram of feathers?

It takes alot more feathers to equal a kilogram than it does bricks

Which weighs more a kilogram or a gram?

a kilogram! it takes 1000grams to have a kilogram..hehee

What weighs 1 kilogram or more then 1 kilogram?

The sun

Who weighs more 52 14 kilogram or 52 23 kilogram?

52.23 kg weighs more than 52.14 kg

Which weighs more concrete or feathers?
