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Running(approximately 10mph) and biking are really effective, you can lose up to 1130 calories per hour by doing one of those two exercises.

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Q: What weight loss exercises burn the most calories per hour?
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How many calories does 1 hour of Mixed Martial arts burn?

depends on your weight

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Skipping is a very good exericse, and it works the legs and core muscles and is great for cardio and heart health. It will burn roughyl 500 calories an hour, assuming that you continue without stopping.

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When I was this weight I used to burn about 600 calories an hour, This is of course dependant on how hard you work. Technically the hifger the level and the faster you go,m the more calories you will burn. I was doing level 6 at 50-60rpm and was burning 600 calories per hour. Hope that helps

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Depends on your weight. A 135lb person can burn 92 calories per hour. May also depend on how busy you are and how fast you hairdress!

How many calories can I burn per hour by running for weight loss?

The number of calories burned per hour when running will depend on how fast you are running, your current weight and even such things as the terrain. You are going to burn a minimum of 472 calories and hour and could burn as much as 1675 calories (and possibly more). A couple of good charts can be found at and

How much calories can I burn horse riding?

It depends how fast the horse is going, and what your weight and height is. On average if they horse is walking you can burn up to one hundred calories an hour. At a trot up to 400. And if you can keep up a full gallop for an hour you may burn up to 700 calories.

How many calories burned in an hour of mixed martial arts?

It depends on how drastic you do karate and exercise yourself. If you spend an hour doing some relaxed and not strenuous exercises it doesn't help burn too much calories at all. If you are serious and do some useful movements and training of muscles, it does help you. In fact, doing any kinds of sports other than karate ,can help you burn calories in an hour, such as running, swimming and kung fu. Bear in mind it depends on your program you do.In a 2 hour class you may actually only do an hour of strenuous karate. I read that in karate you burn 10 calories per minute and for Tai Chi you burn 4 calories per minute. So in one class you can burn anywhere between 480 to 1200 calories. It is realistic that you should look between 600 to 840 for two hours. However, the more you weight the more you burn. A 245 pound 19 year old male can burn 861 per hour while a 145 pound male can burn 626

Do you lose weight playing tennis?

Yes the longer and harder you play the more calories you'll burn. You burn about 15 calories an hour just sitting, so if your running around a court swatting a ball you probably burn somewhere around 600 calories an hour plus it builds up your metabolism which means you'll burn more calories sitting or sleeping. So YES you will lose weight playing tennis.

How many calories do you burn horse riding for a hour?

It all depends on your weight, height and age.

How many calories do you burn when figure skating?

you burn about 346 calories an hour.....

Can you lose a pound by playing just dance greatest hits for an hour?

No, but you can lose weight by dancing to music. You must burn 3500 calories to lose 1 pound. There is no activity that you can perform that will burn 3500 calories in 1 hour.