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Q: What weight of paper is thrown away per household per week?
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How much bubble wrap is thrown away in the US?

I'm pretty sure all of it is thrown away sooner or later.

Why do you not include intermediary goods when measuring GDP?

Intermediary goods are not considered final goods. Only final goods can be included. Lets look at an example: Lets say A.B Star makes paper, which Halmart Cards uses to make greeting cards, the paper is called an intermediary good, and the card is called a final good. GDP only includes the value of the final good. the reason is that the value of intermediary goods is already included in the price of the final good. Thus, if the intermediary good was included than the measure would be doubled. But their is an exception. Intermediary goods can be included in the GDP only if they are put away as inventory for a while. Looking back at the greeting card example, if A.B Star put some of his paper away because he had a surplus of paper that paper would be included in the GDP until it was sent to Halmart Cards to be turned into a final good. Cheers!

What does consumption do?

If you mean antiquated med term for TB, destroys the lungs and can spread to other organs damaging them if untreated as well as other visible signs like coughing up blood and wasting away (rapid weight loss) TB is rare in developed countries but common worldwide among some groups.

Cost of gas in 1900?

Gasoline as we know it was a waste product that long ago, automobile engines were run on kerosene. From my research I am pretty sure 1905 and thereafter is when gasoline was the fuel to run automobiles. A relative told me that the price of gas in the early to mid 1900's was around 10 cents per gallon.

What does expropriated mean?

to take away a persons ownership or to take something away from another person for your own use

Related questions

Is paper the item that gets thrown away most?

Paper and plastic are the most recyclable products that are thrown away most. The packaging that you buy makes up 80 percent of most household trash.

What happens to paper when it is thrown away?

it is not good to throw away paper. recycle it.

How much paper is thrown away in a year?


How much paper is thrown away a year?

to much

How much paper is throwed away in a month?

I do not know exactly but in know over a billion of paper is thrown away each day

What is designed to be used once then thrown away?

Toilet paper and tissues , I hope.

Could used tissue be recycled or thrown away?

recycled, its still paper

How many paper clips are thrown away every day?

Around 309537.

How much paper is thrown away in a day?

The average school wastes aproximately 99% of paper each week.

What hapens to a paper filter when it is thrown away?

It simply goes to a recycling centre and is recycled into different objects.

Why us disposing household waste a problem?

Household waste ends up in dumps when thrown away. The dumps overflow with trash. New dumps are made. In result, trash mountains (dumps) are everywhere.

Why clean chemical with sponges then paper towel?

Sponges can be washed out with detergents, paper towels will soak up the chemicals so still be present after you have thrown them away.