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I'm sure CD, like any other man, made too many mistakes to name them all.

However, concerning his theory of evolution, he did not consider interbreed species. If true that a man comes out of a monkey, and a monkey out of a lizard, and a lizard out of a fish, then we should have found millions of fossils of these 'in between' species.

Besides, science already proved that interspecies breeding is very difficult, if not impossible. Even those that are possible between very similar species, like lions and tigers, and horses and donkeys produce sterile animals (animals without possibility to reproduce).

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Q: What were Charles Darwin failures and how did they affected others life?
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Who was presented the theory of evolution?

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How did Charles Darwin spread the idea of evolution?

He didn't. Charles Darwin did not like the rough and tumble of public debate about his idea, though scientific debate was another thing altogether. The debate had spilled over into the public arena and needed on the spot debaters, which Charles Darwin was not. So, Darwin's friends that he first convinced of the rightness of his theory went to bat for him. Thomas Huxley, Darwin's bulldog, was foremost among them, but there were also others. Hooker, Lyell, and Wallace were the other main defenders of the theory in Darwin's stead.

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One might think, but others may think not, merely stories on daily life adventures.

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Someone else would have made the same conclusions. Darwin was building on the work of others. Alfred Russel Wallace also developed the same theory, independently of Darwin so, eventually, it would have been written up and published.

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There are always some who lack manners and who are unable, or unwilling, to understand the views of others. It is quite possible that Charles Darwin was once called 'the ape man', and if so, that reflects on the people who used that phrase, not on Darwin, who has been called one of the great thinkers of the nineteenth century.

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Charles Darwin is attributed with the theory of evolution. He initially applied it to plants and animals, but later others extended it to include humans (something that went against church doctrine).

What was the breed of Charles Darwin's dog?

Darwin’s son Francis writes in his recollections that the dog “most associated” with his father was Polly, a mostly white, rough-haired terrier who had first belonged to Darwin’s daughter Henrietta. Polly accompanied Darwin on his daily walks along the “thinking path” in his back yard in his later years, and he wrote in The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals that she licked his hands with “an insatiable passion.” Polly’s pillowed, oval basket by the hearth may be seen in a often-reprinted picture of Darwin’s study. R. B. Freeman’s reference book on the details of Darwin’s life, Charles Darwin: A Companion, lists eight dogs in the large Darwin household: Bobby, Button, Dicky, Pepper, Polly, Pepper, Tony, Quiz, and Tyke. Darwin was a sentimental sap about dogs, and he taught Polly how to “catch biscuits off her nose,” according to his son. He had “the power of stealing away the affections” of dogs owned by others, and he had at one time a “surly dog who was devoted to him but unfriendly to every one else.” The Descent of Man and The Expression are laced with blatantly adorable stories about brave and brilliant dogs that demonstrate Darwin’s substantive points. In The Descent of Man, Darwin tells a story about a dog of his who barked at an open parasol lolling in a breeze, and Darwin connects this to the religious capacity in humans. A history of the role of dogs in Darwin’s daily affairs is given in the Fall, 2008 issue of the Southwest Review article, “It’s Dogged as Does It: A Biography of the Everpresent Canine in Charles Darwin’s Days.”

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Alfred Russel Wallace, a British naturalist, independently conceived the theory of evolution through natural selection around the same time as Charles Darwin. His work on biogeography and observations of natural history contributed to the development of evolutionary theory.

Personality disorder for blaming others for your failures?

Dissocial personality disorder

What did you learn from you failures?

You could learn how not to make the same mistakes from your failures. You could also learn what others have done well when you make mistakes.

What animals did Darwin did discover?

tortiose and finch.(Galapagos Islands