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Q: What were Derek Walcott's accomplishments?
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What is the birth name of Derek Lake?

Derek Lake's birth name is Derek Michael Lake.

What nicknames does Derek Eyamie go by?

Derek Eyamie goes by Derek J..

What is the birth name of Derek Ramsay?

Derek Ramsay's birth name is Derek Arthur Ramsay.

What is the birth name of Derek Newark?

Derek Newark's birth name is Derek John Newark.

What is the birth name of Derek Kennard?

Derek Kennard's birth name is Derek Craig Kennard.

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Who is theo walcotts mum and dad?

They are Mr and mrs Walcotts.

Who is in theo walcotts family?

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What is Theo Walcotts Middle name?

he doesn't have middle name

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Hope I could help =]

What is the Theo Walcotts Middle name?

He's second name is James

What is post colonialism and how does derek walcotts poertry respond to it?

Postcolonialism, found in literature, film, etc., is a response to colonialism and its effects. Derek Walcott experienced colonialism in St. Lucia, where he grew up. His poetry expresses his attitude towards it because on the one hand he saw the negative effects of it and on the other hand he reaped the benefits of it. In this way many of his poems show this conflict between feeling sorrow for the fate of the island and showing understanding of the benefits of colonialism.

Will Derek Jeter make it into the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame?

Of course he will make it into the Hall of Fame. Along with numerous accomplishments, Derek Jeter probably punched his ticket into the MLB Hall of Fame when he reached 3,000 hits on July 9, 2011.

Why is derek name derek?

His name is derek because his great great grandpa name was derek.

Why is Derek Jeter's name Derek?

His name is derek because his great great grandpa name was derek.

What is the birth name of Derek Lake?

Derek Lake's birth name is Derek Michael Lake.