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It may have been to hide his own shame and guilt as the Friar allowed, as well as, officiated Romeo & Juliet’s marriage. Now that he may potentially have a role in bigamy, he may want to cover up the situation altogether which could be his ulterior motive when devising the plan for Juliet.

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Leya B

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

The Friars motivation for helping the young couple was that their families may unite because of the marrige.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Beause he wanted to end the feuding between their families, the Montagues and Capulets.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

He hopes to bring an end to the feud between the Montagues and Capulets and peace to Verona!

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Friar Lawrence hopes that the wedding will put an end to the feud.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

he wanted to end the two family's. feud

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Q: What were Friar Laurence's ulterior motives for helping romeo and Juliet?
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The nurse's primary motivation in helping Juliet be with Romeo is to see Juliet happy and in love. She cares deeply for Juliet and wants to support her in pursuing her desires and finding happiness in her relationship with Romeo.

How do the friar's motives differ from the couples motives?

The friar's motives in Romeo and Juliet are driven by a desire to bring about peace and reconciliation between the feuding families. On the other hand, the couples' motives, particularly Romeo and Juliet, are fueled by their passionate love for each other, regardless of the ancient grudge between their families. The friar seeks to resolve conflict, while the couple is focused on their personal relationship.

Does the nurse think Juliet is to young to get married?

no because she was helping Juliet sneak out to see romeo

How do the friar in romeo and Juliet story motives differ from the couples motives?

The Friar's motives are rooted in his desire to end the feud between the Montagues and Capulets and bring peace to Verona. In contrast, Romeo and Juliet's motives are driven by their intense love for each other and desire to be together despite the obstacles they face. The Friar's actions are guided by a sense of duty and responsibility, while the couple's actions are fueled by passion and romantic idealism.

What is friar Laurence's motivation in helping Romeo and Juliet marry?

To reconcile their families.

What is the objective of frair Laurences plan?

Friar Laurence's objective is to unite Romeo and Juliet in marriage in order to bring peace between their feuding families, the Montagues and Capulets. He hopes that their love will help mend the rift and end the violence between the two households.

Who was Juliet's nanny in romeo and Juliet?

Juliet's nurse was her caretaker and confidante in "Romeo and Juliet." She played a crucial role in helping Juliet communicate with Romeo and facilitating their secret relationship. Despite her often bawdy and gossipy nature, the nurse was ultimately loyal to Juliet and helped her in times of need.

What are Juliet's fears about drinking the potion Friar Laurence gives to her?

that it wont work and she will have to marry Paris and that she will be alone in a tomb when she wakes up. She also fears that the Friar Lawrence has poisoned the potion, she wakes up before Romeo comes to rescue her, she lives and ends up in a room with dead people, smelling the foul air, and that the dead Capulets' ghosts would come and haunt Juliet.