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Q: What were George Washington combat in war and where?
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Who is the only president to engage in combat while in office?

James Madison was the only president to engage in combat while in office. It was during the War of 1812.

Why did George Washington fight in the civil war?

No, George Washington fought in the American Revolutionary War.

What war was going on when George Washington was a kid?

The war that George Washington Carver was in is the Civil War

Why was george washington chosen as the commander of the continental army?

Because George Washington had military experience, well respected, and was from the south

How did the French and Indian war prepare George Washington for his future as a military officer?

Washington gained combat experience as an officer in this war and learned the British system of military training and strategy which helped him later when fighting the British.

What war did George Washington fight in for Washington?

the war of war of Independence

When did George Washington win freedom in war?

George Washington won freedom in war in 1812

Who fought in the seven year war?

George Washington

Was George Washingtion was in war?

George Washington was a general in the Revolutionary War.

Who was the war hero who would later become president?

George Washington

Who was the Commander-in-Chief of American forces in the Revolutionary War?

George Washington.

George Washington was the leader of what war?

the revolutionary war