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He had no demands. He wanted war and conquest. Conquered peoples were either to be subjugated under German rule, if they were lucky, or exterminated if they were considered "sub-human". Michael Montagne His objective was the conquest of the "living space to the east," Russia. Followed by the anniliation of the "sub humans" -- Russians, Jews, Slavs etc., etc.

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19y ago
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18y ago

Once the war started there was little thought to negotiation or war aims by either side, other than the complete destruction of the other party. Churchill refused to negotiate for Britain, although the idea was tossed around in mid 1940. At that time Britain could have gotten a conclusion to the war that would have protected their empire and freed France from occupation. Probably Hitler would have been satisfied with a return of Germany's lost African colonies plus a few supplements at the expense of the French empire. Later, Stalin and Hitler both considered a negotiated end to the Russian-German war but nothing ever came of it. Stalin considered offering Hitler some western Soviet territories, mostly non-Russian lands, in 1941. Hitler, thinking he'd won the war, refused to consider the offer. Some peace feelers went out by Germany in 1943 but since the Soviets basically required a German surrender, nothing came of those offers either. The Americans were manipulated by the British in the European war. Had Britain sought a negotiated peace, certainly the USA would have followed their lead. In the Pacific, the USA was fighting a war to the death - largely motivated by race issues and a desire for revenge over Pearl Harbor. The hard headed refusal to consider reasonable peace terms, particularly by Britain, meant that the European war could not be concluded without one side or the other completely destroyed. IMO, almost any negotiated end to the fighting by the end of 1943 would have been preferable to the actual result. As it was, Europe was decimated, its cities ruined, and millions killed - mostly in the last two years of fighting. And what did this accomplish for the 'unconditional surrender' British and Americans? A continent divided for half a century, half of Europe occupied by dictators, the British and French bankrupted with the loss of empires built over centuries.

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14y ago

He wanted to acquire a vast empire for Germany in Europe.

Domination over Europe and the world. He also wanted to enforce racial "purification" at home. According to him "Aryans" (blonde haired & blue eyed) were destined to rule the world. He also believed in national expansion. He believed that for Germany to thrive, it needed more lebensraum or living space. One of the Nazi's aims, as Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, was to "secure for the German people the land and soil to which they are entitled on this earth".

He also wanted to rid the world of Communism and of the Jews, whom he regarded as the "biological root" of Communism.

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15y ago

Basically to kill as many people who he belived were 'wrong' ie people not of his religion, race or colour. These people were mainly Jews, Buddists, Muslums and Gypsies In the words of the (at the time immensely popular) song of the Hitler Youth: 'Denn heute gehoert und Deutschland/Und morgen die ganze Welt'' ('Today we have Germany and tomorrow the whole world'). Hitler also saw it as his mission in life to eliminate Communism and the Jews, whom he regarded as its 'biological source'. Hitler was also very prejudice. He wanted to kill all the Jews (among other ethnic and religious groups) because he blamed them for the destruction of the German economy. Hitler wanted to unite all German speaking people in a "Greater Germany." This greater Germany would only contain German-speaking, Aryans, what Hitler considered the "master race." He was very racist and tried to make all Germans have blond hair and blue eyes. He thought that if you hair brown eyes, or brown hair that you were corrupted, although he himself had brown hair and brown eyes.

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11y ago

Hitler was the absolute dictator of Germany. He caused World War II by invading his neighboring countries, ultimately attempting to seize control of Europe, and, he hoped, the entire world. Any declaration of war was made by Hitler, signed by Hitler, condoned by Hitler. During World War II, Hitler engaged Allied forces throughout the world, allying himself with the Japanese. His armies killed an unimaginable amount of Allied soldiers, and civilians. He ravaged countries, took them over, and then lost control of them as the allies repelled his empirical notion of world domination. Hitler also believed that certain traits of humans were more favorable than others. Those he deemed worthy, people with blue eyes, blond hair, "good German blood," were allowed to live, while people he deemed unfit for existence, Jews, people with physical or mental disabilities, or gays, were systematically placed in concentration camps, and were slaughtered using a variety of methods, most notably massive furnaces and gas chambers, as this sick man attempted to slaughter as many of these "unworthy" people as he possibly could. Hitler guided his country to create advanced weapons and tactics during World War II. One of Germany's most notable technological feats were its extremely high quality tanks, highly effective aircraft, and extremely powerful submarines. Hitler lead his country to tremendous technological innovation when it came to killing enemy combatants. His most notable strategy was the German Blitzkrieg, a word that means "Lightning Warfare." For additional information, consult other sources. Hitler lead his country to technological innovation, merciless slaughter, and countless battles resulting in the tremendous loss of human life (during WWII). Hitler's final act of WWII was taking his own life, shooting himself in the head and simultaneously biting into a cyanide tablet, after he had slaughtered his children, and his new wife to keep them from falling into the hands of the enemy. Hitler did many things during World War II, and this is just a rapid overview. For more information, consult a book or other online sources.

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11y ago

He wanted the Sudentland

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