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prison uniforms, Jews had to wear a yellow triangle and a green triangle sewn on the chest.

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Q: What were Jewish people ordered to wear in concentration camps?
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Where were Jewish people taken when Hitler first ordered them out of their homes?

they were taken to the ghetto and then to the concentration camps

When the Jewish people got of the train to go to the concentration camps what were they ordered to do first?

march in a line probably

How many people were imprisoned at the Jewish concentration camps?

Their was no Jewish Concentration Camp but in total between 15-16 Million Jews were sent to Nazi Concentration Camps.

Who was the leader who ordered people into concentration camps and ordered them to be murdered during the Holocaust?

Adolf Hitler

Why do Jews lie about concentration camps?

In my experience, Jewish people have never lied about concentration camps. The camps existed without any question.

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Why did they made concerntration camps?

they made concentration camps because the Navi people did not trust the Jewish

What kind of work did the Jewish people do in the concentration camps?

They dug soil

Are Mental Hospitals the same as Concentration Camps?

No, concentration camps was where the Germans put the Jewish people and killed them, but mental hospitals are where people with mental illness go that can't live in normal society. Comparing them is an insult to all Jewish people and everyone who loved in the camps.

Who set up concentration camps in World War 2?

I think it was mainly the Germans who used the concentration camps to kill jewish people and to keep people hostage.

Why was osckar schindler good?

He save thousands of Jewish people from concentration camps.