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Q: What were Marco polo's crimes to go to jail?
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What did Marco Polo eat in jail?

nothing he didnt go to jail.......

When did Marco Polo go to jail?

he wrote a book called the travels of Marco polo

Can police go to jail for getting friendsand relatives out of jail time crimes?

yes, because their relatives should be in jail if they get out of jail by a police its a crime

Why were Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun going to go to jail?

Crimes against humanity.

Why was Marco Polo's journey important to Christopher Columbus?

Christopher Columbus read Marso Polos book and his book inspired him to go west to see if he could get to the spice islands.

Will phyllis s go to jail?

Yes she should for all her crimes What about the girl she killed. In the lab

Can MY baby father go to PRISON if im 17 and im 19?

Teenagers who are found guilty of serious crimes can go to jail.

Do you go to different jails for different crimes?

Yes. Federal crimes will get you time in federal correctional institutions or penitentiaries. State crimes (if they are misdemeanors) will probably get you time in your local (or regional) jail while felony crimes will probably get you sentenced to a state penitentiary.

Why do people go back to jail?

because they got used to the lifestyle in jail that it was wierd to be out of it where they had to get a job, get food, and live somewhere. Therefore they resort to crimes to get money or other needs

Did Malcom X go to jail?

yes he did ^^^^^ but why, MS.A SAYS: after both of his parents were out of his life he dropped out of school and moved to Boston, there he started committing worthless crimes like robbery and that caused him to go to jail for 7yrs

Can a 19 year old go to jail in Fl if he gets his 16 year old gf pregnant?

He isn't likely to go to jail. However, he could be charged with sexual crimes and may have to register as a sex offender.

Do criminals deserve punishment?

some do, Some don't, There are many crimes that have no victim and are only crimes to satisfy political ends. as they say ( comit a crime you waste ur time) do a crime go to jail or court R.D