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The only definite answer we know is that they were built to house dead pharoahs. It is speculated that they were built for intergalatic transport, to observe the night sky, weird stuff like that.

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They were made to be tombs for pharaohs.

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Q: What were Pyramids designed to be?
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Pyramids were designed primarily as?

Pyramids were designed primarily as tombs for pharaohs and other important figures in ancient Egyptian society. They were intended to house the deceased's mummified body and treasures to ensure a successful journey to the afterlife.

Who designed the worlds first pyramid?

The ancient Egyptians made the pyramids

Who designed the glass pyramid outside the entrance of the Louvre?

It is a smaller version of the pyramids of Giza

Why were the Great Pyramids designed to be shaped as a pyramid instead of another shape?

it would mean a step to heaven

Why dont pyramids have doors or windows?

Simply because pyramids are massive monumental structures and a tomb of the pharaohs. It is not designed to be a livable house or a structure, but a tomb designed to protect the pharaohs body forever. "Air shaft " can be considered as ventilation or openings but some theories that this has something to do with the stars, the so called "star shafts".

What are the differences between Egypt's temples and Egypt's pyramids?

The main difference between Egypt's temples and Egypt's pyramids is their purpose and design. The temples were dedicated to worshiping gods and were used for religious ceremonies. They were typically built with columns and contained various rooms and halls. On the other hand, pyramids were elaborate tombs for pharaohs and were designed to preserve their bodies and belongings for the afterlife. They have a distinct pyramid shape and were typically surrounded by smaller tombs and burial complexes.

Who was the man who designed the first ever pyramid?

The first Pyramids were built by the Egyptians, but across the Atlantic, the Mayas Incas and Aztecs built Pyramids too. They just look a little different.

How many kinds of pyramids are their?

I don't know exactly how many, but I know there are Egyptian pyramids, Aztec and Mayan pyramids, unfinished pyramids, and rock pyramids, and sand pyramids.

Are the pyramids in Giza triangular based?

The pyramids in Egypt are designed with a square bottom and triangular sides that come together to form... well... pyramids. There are many different styles of pyramids, as we have discovered through observation of each individual monument. The reasons for these changes are still unclear, but we generally have a good idea of why they are shaped the way they are base off of simple observation. For example, the "bent" pyramid is likely the way it is because its base was just too big for the design. Did you know that pyramids are not found only in Egypt? ~Apple Juice