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Q: What were Racial aspects of life in Chicago's Southside between World Was 2 and 1960?
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Ethnic/racial politics: between ethnic/racial minorities and the state. key player is Vang Pao.

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Racial realism is a view that argues for the existence of biological or genetic differences between races that influence various aspects of human behavior and traits. This perspective is controversial and widely criticized as it can perpetuate harmful ideas of racial superiority or inferiority. It is important to be critical and consider the social and environmental factors that shape human diversity.

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Racial tensions between black and white people continue. The tensions can escalate very quickly at times when one group or the other feels offended.

How do you promote racial harmony?

to promote racial harmony between whites and blacks.get white people to throw bbq with fried chicken, watermelon, corn bread, and fort'y promote racial harmony between whites and mexicansget white people to offer Mexicans a low paying promote racial harmony between blacks and mexicanstalk badly about white people.

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The patterns of interaction between majority and minority racial and ethnic groups varies between groups. Many majority groups will look down on minority groups as if they do not have equal rights.

Have race relation change since the 1900s?

Race relations in the United States have improved in some ways since the 1900s, with the Civil Rights Movement bringing about legislative changes and increased awareness about racial inequality. However, racial discrimination and inequality still persist in various aspects of society, indicating that there is still progress to be made in achieving true racial equality.

What best describe the main conflict between these two groups?

racial tensions

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No it is not

What is the racial conflict between southern voting rights?

well, the racial conflict between southern voting rights is simply the fact that they won't let blacks vote. it was a racist thing and it wuz a conflict(hope i helped!)