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Q: What were Venetian composers stimulated by about St. Mark's Cathedral?
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Where is St Marks Cathedral?

St. Mark's Cathedral is in Venice, Italy.

Where is st marks cathedral located?

St. Mark's Cathedral is in Venice, Italy.

What would you say marks the major difference the hanseatic and venetian trades routes?

Hanseatic has more towns than Venetian

The focal point of music in venice was?

St. Mark's Cathedral

What would you say marks the major difference between the hanseatic and venetian trade routes?


What are some famous land marks in Russia?

St. Basil Cathedral.

How big is St Marks cathedral?

Rather big. It is located on Captiol Hill, if that helps at all.

What would you say marks the major differences between the hanseatic and venetian trade routes?

two of them can be 1. location and 2. lenght

LAND MARKS of Italy?

A couple landmarks of Italy are, the Colosseum, and the statue of David. Some other landmarks are, Pantheon, Milan Cathedral, and Lake Como.

What is metroname?

metronome is any device that produces regular, metrical ticks (beats). These ticks represent a fixed, regular aural pulse; some metronomes also include synchronized visual motion (e.g. pendulum-swing). The metronome dates back to the early 19th century. Though the metronome was conceived as a tool for music, some musicians consider it to be a highly controversial tool inthis respect: there are musicians who reject the metronome altogether.A metronome is used by some musicians for practice in maintaining a consistent tempo, or rubato composers around a fixed beat - yet other musicians view this method of practice negatively. A metronome can be used by composers, as an approximate way of specifying the tempo- yet some composers and musicians consider these metronome-tempo-marks to have only little value, or to hinder creative musical interpretation: Brahms has remarked: "I am of the opinion that metronome marks go for nothing. As far as I know, all composers have, as I, retracted their metronome marks in later years."

Why did they build the St. Basil's Cathedral?

The site of the church had been, historically, a busy marketplace. The placement of the church outside of the Kremlin walls was a political statement in favour of posad commoners and against hereditary boyars.

Write a program to print grade of a student in C?

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); int marks; cout<<"Enter Marks of Student="; cin>>marks; cout<<"Grade\n"; if(marks>0 && marks<50) cout<<"F"; else if(marks>=50 && marks<55) cout<<"C-"; else if(marks>=55 && marks<60) cout<<"C"; else if(marks>=60 && marks<65) cout<<"c+"; else of(marks>=65 && marks<69) cout<<"B-"; else if(marks>=69 && marks<71) cout<<"B"; else if(marks>=71 && marks<75) cout<<"B+"; else if(marks>=75 && marks<79) cout<<"B"; else if(marks>=79 && marks<84) cout<<"A"; else cout<<"A"; getch(); }