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Q: What were ancient Egyptians pharaohs wrapped in when they died?
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What were rich egyptians wrapped in when they died?

red land

How did Ancient Egyptians view their Pharaohs?

Ancient Egyptians viewed their pharaohs as living gods. They were the personification of AMUN-RA the king of gods, and when they died they became true gods. Therefore these pharaohs weren't only regarded as the kings of Egypt but as divinity. Egyptians believed that their pharaoh bore full responsibility for the kingdom's well-being, the sun to rise, the rivers to overflow, and the crops to grow. It was the pharaoh's duty to promote truth and justice. He was worshiped and appreciated.

What is a mummy before its died?

A mummy was a person before it died. Although on rare occasions, other creatures were mummified by certain ancient cultures. The typical use of mummification was to preserve a body after the person had died. One culture that used this practice were the ancient Egyptians. Only rich or royal Egyptians such as the Pharaohs were mummified.

Why did Egyptians do pyramids?

Pyramids are tombs , so the Egyptians would make them to bury there pharaohs in once they died....

Why were pharaohs put in tombs with variables?

They were buried in tombs with variables because Egyptians belived that after pharohs and Egyptians in the upper section of the social pyramid died, they would proceed into the underworld. If they were good, or worthy Egyptians, then they would have them selves and all their possecions such as jewlry and pets get wrapped into 'mummies' and proceed into the underworld.

What were rich egyptians wrapped in this material when they died?

red land

What material were rich egyptians wrapped in when they died?

red land

What did the Egyptians believe happened to them after they died?

The Ancient Egyptians believed in the They called it the afterlife. They believed that it was like another life, the Pharaohs would have their servants, organs, food, valuables, pets, and , they thought that certain gods would assist them to their place in the afterlife.

What did the mummies have to do with ancient Egyptians' religion?

The ancient Egyptians thought that even after death, people had an afterlife. So they mummified their bodies after they died and prepped their tombs for a good afterlife. They gave them golden carriage's, (these items are if they were kings/pharaohs) weapons, and other decorations such as pots, tables, plates, and silver wear. They also put in precious jewels and gems so they could be rich. They gave the pharaohs special amulets, also gave them a book of the dead. The ancient Egyptians were a very religious group. They built multiple temples, and had many gods and goddesses they worshiped.

What Age Ancient Egyptians died?

most egyptians lived to around the age of 30

Where the ancient Egyptians hoped to go after the died?


Why did the Egyptians built pyramids for their kings?

The pyramids of ancient Egypt were built by the Egyptian population as a memorial to their pharaohs. The pharaohs demanded that the pyramids be built in order to honor themselves. The pyramids were linked to power & the regions of ancient Egypt.