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No. The black codes (later to be known as Jim Crow laws) were regulations designated for freedmen. Under these codes, their economic rights were restricted, they were not allowed to vote, they weren't allowed to hold office or serve on a jury, or have a public education.

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12y ago

During 1865-66, black codes also known as Jim Crow laws were used to restrict the rights of American American. These codes segregated Blacks from the society. Poll taxes were fees that African Americans had to pay before they code vote. It was unfortunate because most of them had no job or had very little money and could not pay the taxes.

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Did many southern states use literacy tests and poll taxes to prevent black citizens from voting?

Ten Southern states implemented literacy tests and poll taxes to disenfranchise black citizens. These were done effectively through the passage of the Black Codes.

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The poll taxes prevented black males from voting and denied them a voice in the government.

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The 24th amendment prohibited poll taxes

Which of the following did southern whites used to disenfranchise african Americans after the civil war?

They authorized Jim Crow Laws that limited segregated freedmen (former slaves) from whites. Also, the made black codes that made blacks act a certain way. They made poll taxes and literacy test to stop blacks from voting.

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Low income citizens cannot afford to pay the poll taxes. If they don't pay poll taxes, they can't vote. Incidentally, poll taxes have been outlawed in the United States.

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they made the poll tax law, literacy lawand the grandfather clause to prevent MOST freed black men from voting

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by eliminating poll taxes

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the grandfather clauses and literacy tests and poll taxes.

Many southern states used literacy tests and poll taxes to prevent black citizens from voting.?


What are the taxes paid in order to vote?

Poll Taxes

Which amendment made poll taxes illegal?

The Twenty-fourth Amendment of the Constitution made poll taxes illegal. =)