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Q: What were flying columns during the Irish war of independence?
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What were flying columns during he Irish war of independence?

A flying column is a small fast moving military group that moves fast overland, attacks fast, and is independent.

What is Irish nationalism?

Irish nationalism refers to Ireland's struggle for independence during its history, wanting to be a an independent Irish nation.

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Was Dublin the second city of the British Empire before Irish Independence?

It was an informal description given to Dublin, particularly during the 19th century and early 20th century, before Irish independence.

What occurred during the Listowel mutiny?

The Listowel mutiny occurred during the Irish War of Independence. The Royal Irish Constabulary refused to be relocated out of their rural police station in Listowel.

What do Irish and Greek nationalist have in common?

Irish and Greek nationalists both wanted independence.

When was Irish Independence Party created?

Independent Irish Party was created in 1852.

What were the methods of the Irish during the Irish rebellion?

Anything went. In stark contrast to 1916 the Irish war of independence saw the complete disconnection from wartime etiquette that would have been seen previously. The free state of Ireland instigated its first organised military which was named the Irish Republican Army (Not to be confused with the more infamous organisation which started in 1969). This new army was heavily trained in speed attacks and were nicknamed the "flying columns". One of their more famous incidents was the systematic assassination in one morning of 12 british spys referred to as the "Cario Gang". This incident thus marked a swift departure from previous Irish methods of revolution towards something more dirty and even dishonourable by the standards of the day.

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What are the seven Irish buildings with columns?

There are far more than 7 buildings in Ireland with columns. There would be hundreds of them all around the country.

When was the Irish flag adopted?

The flag was adopted in 1919 by the Irish Republic during its war of independence, and subsequently by the Irish Free State (1922-1937), later being given constitutional status under the 1937 Constitution of Ireland.

How did the Easter Uprising effect the efforts for Irish independence?

It isn't truly based on that type of fact that it can inter fear with Irish independence.