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the segregation laws were commonly known as "Jim Crow" laws

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jim crow law

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it was a unknown law

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Q: What were laws that segregated blacks and whites called?
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What was the effect of Jim crows laws?

they segregated blacks and whites.

What were laws the segregated blacks and whites?

The Jim Crow Law segregated the blacks & whites

What were laws that segregated black and whites?

The Jim Crow Law segregated the blacks & whites

What laws set up segregated facilities for whites and blacks in the south through the 1950's?

The Jim Crow Law segregated the blacks & whites

Was it illegal for a black to kiss a white Jim Crow laws?

Yes blacks and whites were segregated!

What is the name given to the laws that created a policy of separate but equal that meant blacks were segregated from whites?

Jim crow laws

What is the name given to the laws that created a policy of separate but equal that meant the blacks were segregated from whites?

Jim crow laws

What is the name given to the laws that created a policy of 'separste but equal' that meant that blacks were segregated form whites?

the Jim Crow Laws

What was the results from Jim Crow laws?

This was a way that the whites could get power over the African American's since the African American's had just gained their freedom after the Civil War. These laws pretty much did everything to the African American's except slavery. The blacks had their freedoms taken away.

Who limited the rights of blacks?

Most of the laws were created around the 1930's ( dirty thirtys) these laws were called the Jim crow laws. most of the laws are the following: certain schools, go to the same restraunts, theatres, hotels, cinemas an dpublic baths.

Why were Jim crow laws bad?

Because they segregated Blacks and Whites but they did not follow the statement 'separate but equal' which was decided at the court case of Plessy vs. Ferguson. The black community was widely underfunded.

What laws enforced the separation of blacks and whites?

In the United States, segregation was enforced through various laws, including Jim Crow laws in the southern states that mandated separate facilities for blacks and whites in public spaces, such as schools, restaurants, and buses. These laws existed from the late 19th century until the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s led to their gradual dismantling.