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Q: What were local officials in India who collected taxes for the British called?
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British east india company's highest officials?

The official government machinery of British India had assumed its governmental function.

What was the British colony of India called?

The British Raj

The part of india that was under direct british rule was known as the?

Ghandi was the part of India that was under British rules. The British rules were called the British Raj.

Why was India one of Britain's dependent colonies?

Because they were ruled by the British. Dependent colonies are where a few European officials ruled non-European people.

What was the name british people called India?

The Jewel in the Crown

When was Mohandas Gandhi called mahatma?

He was called Mahatma after the British ruled India.

Why is a rifle called a bondook?

It originates from India and is still used in parts of the British Army that has served in India.

How do you use envoy in a sentence?

British Envoy called upon President of India.

Who controlled the government of India for almost 100 years?

the British East India Company

Who did the British employ as a private army when they colonized India?

This was done by a private trading company called the "East India Company".

Critical Thinking Why do you think the British called India the Jewel of the British Empire?

The British called India the Jewel of the British Empire due to its abundant resources, strategic location, and immense wealth that it provided for the empire. India was a key source of revenue, and its economy played a crucial role in sustaining the empire's power and influence. Additionally, the exoticism and cultural richness of India appealed to the British imagination, leading them to view it as a prized possession.

Founder of british empire in india?

Robert Clive led the East India Company in the Battle of Plassey where he managed to defeat the Nawab Of Bengal(Shiraj ud Daulah) and established an English government in India. He can be called the founder of the British Empire in India.