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Q: What were medieval houses for rich people like?
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Did rich people in the middle ages have windows?

Medieval houses had windows. Rich people had glass in their windows, which poor people often did not.

What were some of the 1990's houses like?

rich people would have big houses and people who are poor have wood houses .

Does Egypt have rich looking houses?

yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!yes they do but they dont look like our rich looking houses they are VERY old houses!!!!

Was there any connection between rich medieval people and poor medieval people?

Yeah. They were both people.

What were rich people's houses like in Ancient Egypt?

They were large and luxurious with pools and murals.

What were ancient Egyptian houses look like?

They made their houses out of mud and sometimes lime stone, (usually the rich people made their houses out of lime stone).

What were houses like in the 1900's?

Houses were typically made out of slabs of sod (peices of soil, grass roots). Only the rich people had houses that were made out of wood.

Any information on medieval rich people?

Medieval rich people were often nobles or were given land and titles by the very wealthy. Rich people were kings, dukes, duchesses, and queens while the poor people worked the land for these nobles.

What are houses in India like and what are they made of?

normal like mine and yours its just like other countries poor people live in shacks and rich in big houses not like they are all poor

How expensive were medieval houses to make and run?

Surprisingly around 1 million dollars in todays money! You had to be wealthy to build one but medieval peasants where very rich.

What are rich victorian houses like?


Why did the Romans like it when they were rich?

The Romans did not have a problem with people getting rich. Greed and corruption were massive and notorious. An enterprising freedman could also get rich. Rich Romans liked to flaunt their wealth with opulent houses, statues to themselves and the like.