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Q: What were other names for patriots?
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What were other name of patriots?

As of August 2013, there are four other names for patriots. The four other names for patriots are rebels, revolutionaries, congress-men, and American whigs.

What are names of patriots?

There are so many other names of patriots. Some of these names include loyalists, partisans, nationalists and compatriots among many other names that show loyalty.

What were 3 names for the patriots?

The Boston Patriots 1960-1970, Bay State Patriots February and March 1971, and the New England Patriots 1971-present

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Does anybody know besides Patriots what other names did Boston consider upon joining the NFL?

mew England doodoodilands is one

What are patriot other names?

Depends on your point of view. To the Crown our "Patriots" were treasonous rebels. By some current definitions they may well have been considered "terrorists". But from a positive point of view, freedom fighter, nationalist there were also named units such as "The Green Mountain Boys" from Vermont. There were scores or perhaps hundreds of small units put together in militia style units. - A "Tory" would be another.

Funny patriots fantasy football names?

Tedy, Pass Me A Bruschi

All the American Patriots that names start with the letter F?

Benjamin Franklin

How was the New England Patriots pick ed?

The Patriots name was determined by a write in contest. The then unnamed team had locals send in names and Owner Billy Sullivan picked the Patriots from all the different submissions.

What was the reason for the name New England Patriots?

Locals submitted names they liked for the new Boston football team in the AFL and the Boston Patriots was the most popular

What other countries gave help to the patriots?

the French and Spain gave help to the patriots

What are the names of past defensive patriot players?

There are hundreds of former defensive Patriots players.