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Q: What were prisoners searched for after they were killed in the gas chambers?
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Related questions

Which method was used to execute the largest number of prisoners at a time during the Holocaust?

Gassing (in gas chambers) killed most prisoners most quickly.

How did they gas the prisoners in the Holocaust?

by putting them in gas chambers

What did Nazi SS guards pretend the gas chambers were?

Prisoners were told the gas chambers were showers.

Who were killed in gas chambers?

During the Holocaust, millions of Jews, along with other groups such as Roma people, Soviet prisoners of war, and disabled individuals, were killed in gas chambers by the Nazis as part of their genocidal policies. This occurred primarily in extermination camps such as Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Sobibor.

What killed the Jews the most gas chambers or fire?

The gas chambers.

Were Prisoners killed in Polish concentration camps inside gas chambers?

No. Poland holds no responsibility for the concentration camps, they were in Poland, but they were owned and run by the Germans.

What happened to prisoners who were not considered fit enough to work?

They were sent to the gas chambers.

What happens to prisoners who were not considered fit enough to work?

They were sent to the gas chambers.

What were some ways that the Jews were killed at the death camp?

It started off with guards just shooting the prisoners. But when this proved not to be as effective, they changed to the gas chambers. Jews were loaded into a room and poisonous gas was leaked inside.

What happen to prisoners who are not considered fit enough to work?

If the question is about prisoners held in the Nazi German Concentration Camps during the Second World War, then anyone of them not fit to work for the Nazis were sent to the Gas Chambers (or other methods) to be killed. Those fit to work, were used as slave labor until they were starved or worked to death.

What happened to Jewish prisoners who were NOT considered fit enough to work?

They were sent to the gas chambers.

What were Three methods used by the Nazis to kill their prisoners?

One of the methods were gas chambers.