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Q: What were signs that Odysseus was still alive?
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Why does Odysseus leave the underworld?

Odysseus is still alive.

Who tells Penelope that Odysseus is alive?

Odysseus who was dressed up as an old beggar told Penelope that Odysseus was alive and would return soon

In The Odyssey what is the significance of Proteus?

Proteus is the one who gives Menelaus the information about Odysseus still being alive but trapped by Calypso. Menelaus passes this information to Odysseus' son Telemachus.

How did Odysseus convince his wife that he is still alive?

He told her how he made their bed out of a tree, which nobody but them knew, and that no one but him could move it.

What does scylla do to Odysseus men?

She captures six of Odysseus' men and eats them alive

What is happening in Ithaca while Odysseus is away?

While Odysseus is away from Ithaca, several of the lords and chiefs are heading over to where Odysseus has built his home because they believe that their King is dead. The begin to try and get Penelope to marry them and anger Telemachus who believes that his father is still alive. Athena eventually comes and tells Telemachus that his father is in fact still alive and then tells him what he must do to get the suitors to leave.

Why does Zeus leave Odysseus alive?

Zeus leaves Odysseus alive because Odysseus has been fated to return home. Even the mightiest Gods do not dare go against the Fates.

Why does Antinous wants to kill Odysseus?

Antinous never wants to kill Odysseus, because he never realizes Odysseus is still alive. He may have wanted to kill the beggar, whom is Odysseus in disguise, but is prevented from doing so by honour and Telemachus' threats. Odysseus as a beggar begs from Antinous and curses him when Antinous refuses impolitely. He does want to marry Penelope, Odysseus' wife.

Did Odysseus meet his mother in the underworld?

Yes. Odysseus is surprised to see her, as she was alive when he left.

Why does Athena not tell telemachus that Odysseus is alive?

She does

What is oddysseus?

Odysseus is the character followed in the Odyssey. He goes on a journey and his family believe him to be dead, so when his son, Telemachus, hears a rumour that Odysseus is still alive, he sets out to find him. It's a Greek Epic written by Homer.

How many crewmen were left when Odysseus escaped the Cyclops?

6 of the original 12 crewmen were still alive when Odysseus escaped the Cyclops. They rejoined the remainder of the crew on their ship, and later the remaining men on the other 11 ships.