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Some of the effects are as follows:

A. Suicide throughout colonies
B. Plagues and diseases
C. Mass Murder
D. Increased sale of tobacco
E. Livestock being destroyed
F. Depression throughout
G. Mass Migrations

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Q: What were some causes and effects of the intolerable acts?
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What were some of the intolerable acts?

the colonists had to let British soldiers sleep,eat and drink.......water in their homes is one of the intolerable acts

What were some of the tax acts in colonial times?

There was the sugar act, molasses act, townshend acts, coercive aka intolerable acts, tea act, and the stamp act.

In what year was the intolerable act created?

There was never any Intolerable Act created. This was a name given by some colonials of what was to become the U.S.A. to a series of Acts by the British government that they felt unreasonable and unjust. These are properly known as Coersive Acts and were created in 1774

How did British react to the Boston Tea Party?

The British responded to the Boston Tea Party by making the Intolerable Acts which closed the Boston Ports and destroyed the Massachusetts government. King George the Third passed the intolerable acts because he as well as parliament saw it as a criminal action.

What are some Quotes about intolerable acts?

temfla c fnnglsdf temfla c fnnglsdf temfla c fnnglsdf

The Coercive Acts were known as what Acts in the colonies?

To coerce someone is to make them do something by physical force. So a coercive act is the application of that force.

What do the colonists do about The Intolerable Acts?

After the Boston Tea Party, the British clamped down on the Massachusetts colony, and passed what came to be known as the Intolerable Acts. Most colonists were outraged by them; they seemed far too harsh and unjust: colonists felt that the acts strangled commerce and trade, and treated the people of Massachusetts like convicted criminals. Some of the colonists mounted protests, and many refused to comply with these new laws. A few of the more influential colonists, including John Hancock, even wrote to the royal authorities to demand that these acts be repealed immediately. But when nothing seemed to work, the Intolerable Acts led the colonists to decide a revolution was necessary.

What are some causes and effects about erosions?

Idont know

What are some causes and effects of the battle of quebec?

the effects were Canada becoming a british colony

Can you write a paper on The Intolerable Acts for me?

No, you'll have to research your work and write the paper yourself. However if you need some help verifying facts and such feel free to ask

What did the colonist do the intolerable act?

After the Boston Tea Party, the British clamped down on the Massachusetts colony, and passed what came to be known as the Intolerable Acts. Most colonists were outraged by them; they seemed far too harsh and unjust: colonists felt that the acts strangled commerce and trade, and treated the people of Massachusetts like convicted criminals. Some of the colonists mounted protests, and many refused to comply with these new laws. A few of the more influential colonists, including John Hancock, even wrote to the royal authorities to demand that these acts be repealed immediately. But when nothing seemed to work, the Intolerable Acts led the colonists to decide a revolution was necessary.

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