

Best Answer

The body was the first tool esed to aid in measure ment.

Jonathan McKnight

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Q: What were some more of the early tools to aid in measurement?
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Who were some more of the early tools to aid in measurement?

Back in the stone age; the people of that era used their own hands and feet to measure things. Sticks, rocks, ect

What were some of the early tool used to aid in measurement?

The body was used as the earliest tool for measurement. Of the tools found by archaeologists, the oldest tool used for measurement was the compass. It was used to ensure two stones, when cut would fit together accurately. This aided in the pyramids construction.

What were some of the early tools to aid in measurement?

Weights and measures were among the earliest tools invented by man. Primitive societies needed rudimentary measures for many tasks: constructing dwellings of an appropriate size and shape, fashioning clothing and bartering food or raw materials.

What were some tools that were created by early humans?

Bows, arrows, knifes (sharp sticks), kitchen tools, etc.

Picture of tools used by early man?

Early humans used tools made from materials such as stone, wood, and bone. Some common tools included hand axes, scrapers, and spears. These tools were used for tasks such as hunting, cutting, and scraping.

What are some Mesopotamian Architecture tools?

Well I know one of the early mesopotamian inventions was the plow.

Which websites provide traffic measurement tools?

One can simply find one by testing out what the really want. The analysis tools can track from a variety of tasks performed such as clicks on a page to page hits (how many people has visited the page).

What were the uses of stone tools for early man?

Early man used stone tools for hunting, butchering, and preparing food. They also used them for making shelter, clothing, and other basic tools. Stone tools were essential for survival and shaping the environment to meet their needs.

Some animals are able to use tools how are animals tools different from humans tools?

Some birds use sticks for getting food out of logs but i think the difference is humans are more sophisticated in the use of tools.

If each scientist used a different system of measurement and invented his or her own tools of measurement what problems might arise?

Results will vary. Precision is compromised.

What tools were used in the history of measurements?

The altimeter was one of the first which measured vertical distance and was invented by Paul Cailletet. Other instruments that were the first of it's kind where the protractor, which was invented by Joseph Huddart, And sextant, which was invented by Thomas Godfrey and John Hadley.

What are some common tools usually used to do defect tracking?

Some common tools used in defect tracking include Aardvark, Bug Monitor and GNATS. Some of these tools are freeware while others cost money. You can get more information about these tools at their respective websites.