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1. the nullification bill passed by the SC legislature which threatened to start major

civil unrest and possible civil war.

2. the federal tariff which helped industry in the NE, but was an abomination to SC and

the South and provoked the nullification threat.

3. The national bank which was established by the old establishment aristocrats and used federal funds to help them get richer, but did little or nothing for the poorer people.

4. what to about the Indians in the South who were unhappy to be a part of the United

States and constantly engaged in hostile action against white settlers.

5. The silly petticoat war which broke up his cabinet and even caused a division with his

family and closest helper, Andrew Donelson.


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15y ago

He had the problem of South Carolina's decision to declare the federal tariff

null and void in SC and to secede from the union if efforts were made to

collect it there. One obvious solution would have been to modify the tariff to

an acceptable level, if possible, but the Northeast states liked it as much as SC

hated it- I think this was his biggest challenge.

He and many of his supporters agreed that the national bank had become a tool

of the Eastern aristocracy and used federal money to enrich its friends at the

expenses of the common people outside of its circle. However, it was hard to

abolish because it had many friends in Congress and used its money to continuously

buy more influence.

This was a challenge, but Jackson took on the banking interests with a vengeance

and shocked them when the people gave him overwhelming support in the election

of 1832.

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15y ago

Andrew Jackson faced many challenges. His health was never good, and he suffered from smallpox, depression, malaria, dysentery, and dropsy. When he was 13, Andrew was captured by the British. Once, the commander wanted his boots cleaned, and ordered Andrew to scrub them shiny. Andrew refused. The commander was ferocious and lashed Andrew with his sword. Andrew protectively held up his left hand, and the sword cut it to the bone and was also cut very badly on the head. His brother Robert was captured as well. They were forced to go to a military prison 40 miles away by the British officer in Camdem, South Carolina. He and his brother caught smallpox there, and his brother died from it. He was soon realeased, but was saddened by the death of his mother shortly after. He was orphaned at the age of 14. Mr. Jackson was in many duels, and in one, he even killed a man. His name was Charles Dickenson, and he had made an insulting remark of Jackson's wife. Another challenge was when Jackson's wife died. It happened before his inauguration of becoming president. She died of a heart attack in December of the year 1828.

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12y ago

Jackson faced two real issues, he really caused one of them.

1) the Tariff: Southern states were vehemently opposed to a new, higher protective tariff. South Carolina threatened to secede from the union if it wasnt repealed. John C. Calhoun, VP at the time, supported south Carolina. Jackson threatened to declare war on south Carolina if it didn't stop it's bitching, which effectively scared them into submission.

2) Jackson also faced the issue of Indian removal, which he created. Jackson declared that all Indians east of the Mississippi were to be sent to the new western territories. A group of Cherokees sued. The supreme court (under federalist judge John Marshall) ruled in avor of the Cherokee, saying that Jackson had no power to do this. Jackson ignored the court, and sent the Indians west any way.

These were his two main problems.

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11y ago

that his wife died before he became president

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14y ago

National bank, indians, slavery

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