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Q: What were some of john d Rockefeller's lasting effects?
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i am trying to find this out for school assignment-all i have so far is lasting effects of poverty.

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the effects were pretty bad but now we arnt all communist:)

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No one knows the long lasting effects of GMOs, though some say people have been eating them since 1996 and that is evidence that there are no long lasting negative effects of GMOs. Since long term studies on rats that showed serious effects of GMO consumption have been discredited, and GMO foods are not labeled, it is hard to determine what the long lasting effects of GMOs are. There is evidence, though it is not accepted as valid by some, that people who are put on a non GMO diet have improved health.

What are some lasting effects of what John D Rockefeller did on the US?

John D. Rockefeller helped reduce the price of oil & kerosene very dramatically. If it wasn't for him, we would be paying sooo much more for oil & kerosene then we do now

What were some of the most famous monopolies of the late 19th century?

Andrew carnagies steel company. john d. rockafellers standered oil company. and that's all i can think of haha.

Can a tornado effect your health?

Yes. A tornado can easily injure or kill you. Some injuries may have lasting effects.

What where some lasting effects of the colonization of Korea?

Seriously.... Mostly, Koreans still hate the Japanese. Even though they may not show it outwardly.