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Q: What were some of the achievements of the scientific revolution?
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How did the achievements on the Scientific Revolution contribute to the Enlightenment?

The achievements of the Scientific Revolution contributed to the Enlightenment by changing the way people thought. Scientific success convinced Europeans of the power of human reasoning to solve the problems of society.

How did Newton summarize the achievements of the scientific revolution?

'If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants'

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What are some scientific changes of the age revolution

What were some of the positive effects of the Scientific Revolution?

well some effects of the scientific revolution was a unicorn c;

What are two ways the achievements of the scientific revolution contributed to the enlightenment?

The scientific revolution was a time of revolutionizing equipment, mainly farm equipment and the people who thought up these great machines had to think about how the people would use them.

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mathematics, architecture, medicine . . .

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How did the enlightenment impact your world today?

The enlightenment changed the way we see music, literature, arts, and architecture. The enlightenment helped advance the achievements of the scientific revolution

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the Aztec calender

What did the catholic church think about the scientific revolution?

They didn't care about Scientific Revolution.

What country did the scientific revolution take place in?

The Scientific Revolution happened in Europe in the 18th century though some speculate that it could have started earlier. The Scientific Revolution dramatically changed the way we saw the world as we began to understand it's inner workings.