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Q: What were some of the most famous battles general grant fought in?
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What were the battles that Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant fought in?

Battle of the Wilderness in Northern Va.

What union general became famous for his march across Georgia?


What were the battles General Grant fought in?

The Battle of the Wilderness, fought from May 5 to May 7, 1864, was the first battle of Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's 1864 Virginia Overland Campaign against General Robert E. Lee and the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. Both armies suffered heavy casualties, a harbinger of a bloody war of attrition against Lee's army and, eventually, the Confederate capital, Virginia. The battle was tactically inconclusive, as Grant disengaged and continued his offensive. Grant lost 18,000 men to Lee's 11,000

What major battles during the civil war were general grant in?

General Grant was involved in several major battles during the Civil War, including the Battle of Shiloh, the Siege of Vicksburg, the Battle of Chattanooga, and the Overland Campaign, which included battles like the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, and Cold Harbor. These battles were significant turning points in the war and helped to secure Union victories and ultimately end Confederate resistance.

Who was a northern general during the civil war and a president?

The president of the united states was Abraham Lincoln, and the most famous northern general was Ulysses S. Grant (who later became president), though there were others. The Confederate president was Jefferson Davis, and the most famous Confederate general was Robert E. Lee (who had left the US army to work for the Confederates), again, there were other generals for the south.

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Where were civil war battles fought after 1863?

From March 64, when Grant was appointed General-in-Chief, there were only two campaigns, launched at the same time. Sherman was to destroy the Army of Tennessee, located near Chattanooga, and Grant was to destroy the Army of Northern Virginia, commanded by Lee. Sherman's battles were Kennesaw Mountain, Atlanta, Franklin, Nashville, Bentonville. Grant's battles were The Wilderness, Coldharbour, Petersburg.

Where were the civil war battles fought after 1863?

From March 64, when Grant was appointed General-in-Chief, there were only two campaigns, launched at the same time. Sherman was to destroy the Army of Tennessee, located near Chattanooga, and Grant was to destroy the Army of Northern Virginia, commanded by Lee. Sherman's battles were Kennesaw Mountain, Atlanta, Franklin, Nashville, Bentonville. Grant's battles were The Wilderness, Coldharbour, Petersburg.

What general won the battles of Shiloh and vicksburg?

Ulysses S. Grant.

What were the battles that Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant fought in?

Battle of the Wilderness in Northern Va.

Which leader was in the civil war that fought in the Mexican war?

General Lee and General Grant

Who is not a World War 2 general Patton rommel MacArthur or grant?

General Grant fought in the American civil war not WW2

What side won the battles at Shiloh and Vicksburg?

Both of these battles were Union or Northern victories and Major General Ulysses S. Grant was the US commanding general at both of them.

What general won many battles in the west in the civil war?

Ulysses S. Grant.

Was grant for north or south during the civil war?

Ulysses S. Grant was a general that fought for the Union (the north).

A hero that fought in the civil war?

General Robert Lee, Ulysses S. Grant and General Pickett.

What union general finally starts to win battles of the north in the west?

Ulysses S. Grant