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hannah, amora, leeah and all sorts of others.

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Q: What were some of the names of the kids in concentration camps?
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What are some names of the concentration camps in world war 2?

Dachau, Auswitz, Sobibor

What were examples of concentration camps?

what are some examples of concentration camps?

What took place at some of the concentration camps during the holocaust?

Some Concentration Camps were used as Death Camps, gassing and cremating hundreds of victims at a time.

Christians in concentration camps?

There were some, yes.

What was it like for people in concentration camps set up in Britain?

There were no concentration camps in Britain. There's some confusion here.

Are there still concentration camps from the Holocaust?

Some of the camps, such as Dachau and Auschwitz, are now museums.

What are some of the Concentration Camps during World War 2?

Here some known concentration Camps Auschwitz I Birkenau Monowitz Sobibor Dachau Chelmno Treblinka

What are some famous concentration camps and why?

The most famous concentration camp is Auschwitz because it was one of the biggest death camps, located in Poland.

Were all concentration camps killing centers?

No. Historians distiguish between #1 extermination campsand #2 ordinary concentration camps. The extermination camps were killing centres and served no other function and had very few survivors. Conditions at concentration camps varied and many inmates survived.Please see the related question.

Was there still concentration camps after world war 2?

Yes, some people survived concentration camps. They are known as Holocaust Survivors. Some are even alive today, such as Elie Wiesel, a Nobel Peace Prize Winner and author of his memoir Night.

Where were some of the concentration camps?

Please see the related question.

Why were some of the concentration camps in the forests?

Concealment from the local community; also to pretend that the camps didn't exist.