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Q: What were some of the shangs cultures practices?
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What cultures have unusual medical practices?

There are many cultures that have unusual medical practices. Some of these cultures include the French, the English, as well as the Italians.

What cultures have no gay practices?

Homosexuality is not a cultural pratice, it's intrinsic to the humanity. All cultures in the human history had gay people, although in some of them its forbidden

What are some of the common cultural practices found in different cultures?

There are many such cultural practices :- Marriage Celebration of Birthdays Shopping for Festivals Praying before meals

Why did some South American cultures cut out hearts?

This was part of their religious practices. which included human sacrifice.

All cultures have the same beliefs and practices?

No,every culture and religion is different and celebrate in there own unique way.

What did the shang develop?

the shangs developed the writing system,and pictographs

Why did the shangs dynasty collapse?

the emporor was very cruel and was overthrowed

What were shangs major cities?

dont kknow that's why am asking

What are some differences between Native American cultures and African cultures?

Some differences between Native American cultures and African cultures include their traditional religions and spiritual practices, their social structures and family systems, and their modes of subsistence and economic activities. Additionally, they have distinct histories of colonization and interactions with European powers that have influenced their development and identities.

What was important part of shangs dynasty power?

bronze FMOT: @AmerisLove

How have native cultures influenced cultural practices in the regions today?

The region's people, languages, religion, and festivalsreflect both Spanish and native practices.

What is culture variation?

Cultural variation refers to the rich diversity in social practices that different cultures exhibit around the world.