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These pesticides have toxic effects on humans beings and other animals.

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Q: What were some pesticides such as DDT removed from public use?
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Why would water plants contain DDT?

Some of the pesticides sprayed on farm crops wash off in the rain and get into the waterways. The water plants absorb the pesticides.

It is right for us to use pesticides such as ddt at all and why?

DDT is toxic for humans and animals.

What kills mosquitoes?

insectisides,pesticides,chemicals like ddt etc. kill mosquitoes

Who was a biologist who wrote about the dangers of the chemical DDT and other pesticides?


What is the Colourless oily liquid used to make pesticides like DDT?


Which pesticides are most lipophilic?

Lipophilic pesticides are those that are soluble in the fatty tissues of animals such as fish and people. DDT is the main pesticide with this quality.

Why can biomagnification be a problem in ecosystems?

an increase in chemicals and pesticides like "DDT" can damage an ecosystem

Did Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring approve the use of DDT and other insecticides?

No. It helped awaken the public to the use of it and helped show the effects of DDT and pesticides on the environment. It was named Silent Springs because she believed that the pesticide would kill the birds and they wouldn't be there in the spring to sing.

The DDT problem is a good example of how pesticides can contaminate human health through what?

the food chain

How did grey falcons become endangered?

They got endangere because of the use of DDT and oher pesticides basicly the DDT poisons the rabbits and stuff and in turn poison the falcons

When were ecological threats of DDT and other persistent pesticides were first recognized?

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson was published in 1962. It spoke out about how DDT was causing bird eggs to not hatch. The book led to the ban on DDT in the 1970s and 1980s.

What book warned man against the abuse of chemical pesticides in particular DDT?

"Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson warned against the abuse of chemical pesticides, particularly DDT, and brought attention to the environmental and health implications of their widespread use. The book was influential in sparking the modern environmental movement and led to increased awareness and regulation of pesticides.