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Sacraficing animals for food or religious purposes

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Q: What were some purposes of animal sacrifice?
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What is Hindu and Buddhism animal sacrifice?

in Buddhism animal sacrifice does not exist. But in Hinduism animal sacrifice do exist.

What does perdation mean?

If you mean predation, it is the act of hunting and preying on some animal for food purposes.

Why do some Catholic Churches still practice animal sacrifice?

The Catholic Church has never practiced animal sacrifice nor does the Church endorse it. You may be referring to Santeria which is practiced in some Caribbean countries as a form of witchcraft by some claiming to be Catholic but it is not part of the Church and is not approved by the Church. Anything which even hints of superstition is considered as sinful by the Church.

What do the augurers find when they examine the animal they have killed as a sacrifice in Julius Caesar?

There was no heart in the animal sacrifice.

Where are the sacrifice's done?

The animal sacrifice was done on an alter.

Should animal testing be allowed for good purposes?

I guess not. It might kill the animal.

What is the legal description of a pet for landlord tenant act purposes?

A pet is any animal which is not a service animal.

What happendesd in the colosseum?

The Colosseum was used for various entertainment purposes. Some of these are gladiatorial combats, wild animal hunts, public executions and naval battles.

Does Wicca practice animal sacrifice?

No, Wiccans do not practice animal sacrifice. A fundamental rule in Wicca is "harm none." This includes animals and the Earth.

An animal used for reproductive purposes?

A farm animal used for reproductive purposes would typically be called "breeding stock." Breeding stock are chosen from animals with the most desireable characteristics, in hopes of improving the farmers herd or flock. Some farms specialize in producing breeding stock to be sold to other farmers or breeders. Skye

What animal did Abraham use for his sacrifice?

No he ask him to sacrifice his son but then when he was about to do it god stopped him

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