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First of all, it's just the Catholic Church, not the Roman Catholic Church. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the Catholic Church.

Secondly, doctrine and dogma have grown, but they have not changed. It's like an infant. The little boy, Sam, is still Sam when he grows up, even though he may look much different, but he is still the same person. He may speak differently, but he still breathes, eats, etc. The Catholic Church had its entire deposit of faith closed with the death of the last apostle. Nothing more can be added, although it can be explained better and more fully. Now incidentals, like the language, have changed radically over the centuries. Originally, we usually Greek, then Latin. Latin is still the common language of the Church, but there are translations for various countries into their own language.

Still, the moral and ethical teachings. The love of God for us and the love that we need to have to God remain bedrock, and have not changed.

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Q: What were some things that stayed the same after Vatican II?
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