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Q: What were something you might lose or gain going west?
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Who said that For everything you gain there is something you lose and for everything you lose there is something you gain?

gailileo said that quote

Does group 13 elements lose or gain valence electrons?

It is going to lose electrons

What is trying to be said with this qoute To gain that which is worth having it may be necessary to lose everything else?

its something you want it, and u have be ready to lose something else to exchange the things that u want.. also: -Sometimes we think we need something, but we really need to learn about ourselves/learn a moral lesson. -we realize that what we need is more important than our loss of what we wanTED -more importan to risk than to lose -we might lose things in order to gain something or overcome ourselves.

What is the definition of lose?

The definition of lose is to be deprived of something or to cause a failure to gain or hold onto something. It is used as a verb in the English Language.

Do you gain time going to Beijing from Toronto?

No. When you travel East you lose time.

Why you gain a day while going to west and lose one to east?

time change

What do you think a nation might gain and lose by modernization?

gain = better life for its citizens (health, longer life, better economy, easier lifestyle) lose = individualism, cultural uniqueness & identity

Can garcinia cambogia help lose weight?

Yes, but you might gain it back just as quick

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When compounds gain electrons they lose or gain energy?


Do atoms lose protons but seldom lose or gain electrons?

No. Atoms can gain and lose electrons but seldom gain or lose protons.

What is water weight?

water wheight is the wheight you gain/ lose in fuids for example when you dfo a activity that makes you sweat alot you lose water wheight but you will gain that wheight back as soon as you drink something