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Q: What were the 4 parts of john Dalton's atomic theory?
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What experiment did daltons use for his atomic theory?

dalton wasnt the one who experimented with gold, rutherford was the one who did the gold foil experiment.

What are the sub atomic particles for john daltons model?

protons,neutrons and electrons are the sub atomic particles

Who proposed john Dalton's atomic theory?

John Dalton. He put forward the atomic theory in 1808.

Atomic theory invented by?

Atomic theory was founded by John Dalton. He proved this theory in 1803.

Who is credited with the development of the the atomic theory?

John Dalton first pursued research into atomic theory. He was the first person to propose the existence of the atomic structure.

Who developed the first scientific atomic theory?

john dalton developed the atomic theory , which he published in 1803

What is Daltons Greek model?

John Dalton is best known for work on atomic theory. While his models were very similar to the speculation of the Greeks made centuries before, his theory differentiated in the idea that chemical combination takes place between particles of different weights.

How the first atomic theory was formed?

john dalton develop an atomic theory in 1803, based on idea of the atomic exsiting

What are the three main points to John Daltons atomic theory?

1) elements are composed of atoms 2) atoms of same elements = 3) atoms of different elements not = 4) atoms fomr compounds in definite ratios H2O

What was john Dalton remembered for?

John Dalton was BEST remembered for his pioneering work in the development of modern atomic theory.

Who is credited with the first atomic theory based on expiramental evidence?

scientific method used in the development of atomic theory

Who proposed the first modern atomic theory?

Niels Bohr.Father Roger Boscovich is often credited as the father of modern atomic theory, according to Thomas E. Woods, Jr., author of the book How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization