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Americans did not have concentration camps. They did have POW camps but those were totally different. They were treated good and healthy. Most German Solders surrounded to the Americans late in the was because they knew they treated you good and they didn't want to desert the German Army and be counted as a coward.

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Q: What were the American concentration camps like during World War 2?
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Who finally liberated concentration camps?

The American, British, and Russian soldiers liberated the concentration camps during 1943-1945.

What are all the different concentration camps used during World War 2?

Concentration Camps Transit Camps Labour Camps Death Camps Extermination Camps.

How many major concentration camps during World War 2?

Their was only about 20 Major concentration camps.

What conflict caused concentration camps during World War 2?

No conflict caused concentration camps during WWII. Nazi Concentration Camps pre-dated WWII, though when Germany too over more territories they built more camps.

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Japanese - American citizens were forcibly compelled to go to internment camps which were essentially the same thing as concentration camps .

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See: Japanese American internment

What were the Major concentration camps in Poland during the Holocaust?

Here are the name of the Major Concentrations in Poland during the Holocaust:AuschwitzBelzecChelmnoMajdanekSobiborWarsaw

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Were all concentration and death camps ran by Germans?

No, several concentration camps were run by Canadian and American troops in North America during the war (though they weren't called concentration camps; they were called internment camps). They were established mostly to keep Japanese Americans and Canadians under the watchful eye of the military during the war.

Were there concentration camps for Jews in the US?

Not anymore, but there were in the Second World War. They were known more commonly as internment camps during those times; the term concentration camp was created by the Nazis in the 1930's.

What are some of the Concentration Camps during World War 2?

Here some known concentration Camps Auschwitz I Birkenau Monowitz Sobibor Dachau Chelmno Treblinka