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They were called kamikaze (Japanese for "divine wind").

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Q: What were the Japanese pilots who deliberately crashed their planes into American ships called?
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What Japanese pilots crashed their plans into American ships?

They were called 'kamikaze' pilots. Their mission was solely intended as a suicidal action.

When Japanese pilots would deliberately crash their planes into American ships killing themselves but also inflivting severe damage?

During World War II, the Japanese strategy by which airplanes (fighters, bombers, and other aircraft) were deliberately crashed into enemy ships was called "Kamikaze". Meaning "Divine Wind", the name comes from a long-ago battle in which a typhoon destroyed an enemy invasion force that was approaching Japan by sea.

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What was the Japanese strategy called in which fighter pilots deliberately crashed their planes into enemy ships?

The suicide pilots were known as the kamikaze (Japanese for divine wind). Many of these pilots had no training in using bombs or torpedoes, as armaments and capable combat pilots were in short supply. It was comparatively easier to dive into ships with a plane having only one large explosive.

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They were interned in internment camps.

Is Dell Japanese?

No. Dell is not Japanese. Its founder is an American called Micheal Dell. Its headquarters is located in California.

What was the tactic used by Japanese pilots who crashed their planes into allied ships?

Kamikaze, or "divine wind", referencing two sudden storms that saved Japan from being invaded by Chinese armadas of Ghengis Khan.Japanese pilots who crashed their planes where called Kamikaze.

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Japs or Japanese because we didn't want them to be part of our country but some people called them Japanese-Americans or just Americans.

What is an American-born Japanese called?

An American born Japanese is called "Nikei America-jin" However, this question could also be referring to generations: Issei = First Generation Japanese, one who has immigrated to another country Nisei = Second Generation Japanese, the child of a Japanese immigrant Sansei= Third Generation Japanese, the grandchild of a Japanese immigrant Yonsei= Fourth Generation Japanese, the great-grandchild of a Japanese immigrant

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The Grudge, which was an American remake of the 2000 Japanese film, Ju-On (which means "the grudge" in Japanese). Both the original Japanese version and the American version were directed by Takashi Shimizu.

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