

What were the Nazis goals?

Updated: 8/25/2021
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6y ago

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The Nazi party led by Hitler strived to create a 'SuperClass'

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Amalia Crooks

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2y ago
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Q: What were the Nazis goals?
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What did the Nazis do to achive their goals?

they ate cheese all day long XD

What was one of the mian goals of the Nazis in the 1930s?

To get rid rid of the Jews who had apparently ruined their economy- or simply an excuse for genocide

What was the common goal for the Nazis?

You will get different answers to this question. I say their main goals were conquest and revenge for the way they were treated after WWI.

Why were there no World Cup after 1938?

Seriously Do I Have To Answer ? World War 2 was starting , what are you going to do ? shoot balls at goals while Nazis are shooting bullets at you ?

Did Nazis come to France?

Absolutely. That was one of Germany's goals, the taking of France. The Germans were still upset that France had beaten them in their last 2 wars in the 1800s.

What were the major goals of Jews during World War 2?

Really only to try to survive and if they could, fight back against their unfathomably cruel enemies, the Nazis.

What was the mission of the European Theatre of World War 2?

The mission of the European Theater of World War 2 by the Allied Forces was to eliminate Adolf Hitler and the Nazis and to liberate the nations invaded by the Nazis. The mission goal of the Nazis was to invade all nations with the resources and land they needed and wanted and to eliminate all undesirable people groups. And for the axis forces to PLEASE Adolf Hitler and his maniacal goals.

What were Hitler followers called?

They were called Nazis.

What goals for World War 2 did the US have?

Revenge for Pearl Harbor and to stop the Japanese from their goal of attacking the US. To assist European allies of the US in stopping Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.

Is Nazis or Nazis?

It's both!

How did the people get moved to Poland from the Nazis?

they were moved by the Nazis, not from the Nazis, the Nazis were in Poland. Most long distance travel was made by train.

Why did the Nazis encourage pogroms?

In fact, with the exception of the Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass) the Nazi regime generally discouraged pogroms in the sense of mob violence against Jews. They had other ways of achieving their goals.