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Early Craniates

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Q: What were the animals that lived 530 million years ago that resembled lancelets but had a brain and skull?
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Related questions

What is an example of Lancelets?

A lancelet is a filter feeder with no brain, eyes, or heart. A sea squirt is an example of a lancelet.

Are there any animals that do not have a brain?

no animals have a brain even dinosaurs do

Were do you find amoeba cell in animals body?

brain brain brain

Is a lancelet living or non-living?

A lancelet is fishlike and is usually about 1 inch long with a transparent body that is tapered at both ends. They are filter feeders and have no brain, eyes, or heart. Lancelets are definitely living.

Do both animals and humans have reward centers in the brain?

Both animals and humans do have reward centers in the brain. Both humans and animals feel happy or pleasure when the reward centers of the brain are stimulated.

Are there over 100 million neurons in the human brain?

Theres billions of neurons in the brain

Can animals spread brain cancer?


Which animals have magnetite in their brain?


What is different between human and animals brain?

One different is the human have a larger neocortex than a animals.Also,the convolutions resulting in gryi and sulci in the human brain is sometimes not seen in a lower animals or is less complex.

How many neurons are in a dog's brain?

160 million. And even though a dog's brain is usually larger than a cat's brain, cats have almost twice as many neurons as dogs with 300 million of them.

What does your brain let you do and that animals connot do?

My brain lets me speak and form sentences.

Do animals use 100 percent of their brain capacity?

No, of course not, like humans, animals have a percentage of their brain, no matter how small, that they don't use.