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so the enimes on the horses can`t shoot arrows throw the window

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Q: What were the arrow loops used for in medieval CASTLES?
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What are arrow loops?

an arrow loop is a slit or hole used to shoot arrows through.

Where did the lighting come from in a medieval castle?

In medieval castles they used fireplaces, windows, oil lamps, and candles for lighting. Torches were also used for lighting in castles.

What was medieval castles made of?

Medieval castles were built for protection and not for comfort. The first castles were built using wood but, were found to burn easily. Stone was then used in replacement of wood.

Who used siege towers?

People who lived in castles during the medieval times used them for attacking other castles and forcing them to surrender.

What was a castle used for in medieval times?

castles were used for defence and it protected the people inside the castle an example of a defensive castle would be carrickfergus castle. Major defence points were portcullis, murder holes, arrow slits ect.

Why were castles used in medieval warfare?

To defend and protect people and important places of course.

What is the purpose of the crossbow?

it is used in wars, medieval knights used it in castles....

What are the examples of medieval castles?

Well the first castles were structures of a tower on a high floor. Then they came up with fancier castes that were used for king and queens. The first castles were like forts.

How could the medieval castles be used for both offense and defense?

in medieval times one of the major types of warfare was sedge so in order to continue to rule the nobles added things like murder holes and arrow slits to cause damage to the attacking army and walls and moats to keep them out.

What materials were used to build a medieval castle?

Medieval castles were built out of stone, mortar, and wood.

What where medeival castles made of?

Medieval castles were usually made of stone, often held together with mortar. Some castles were made of wood, and earth was also used in the construction of some castle defenses and walls.

When were catapults used?

Some catapults were used in the middle ages to try and get into Medieval Castles. The Romans had catapults. I had a hand catapult when I was a youngster.